If you are interested in inquiring about the loan options for a car purchase, it is advisable to write to the bank seeking information about the loan. Through a well written letter, one can request a loan,providing all the necessary documents and information. Given below is a sample letter to HDFC bank requesting a loan for a new Hyundai Creta.
The Manager
Bank Address
Subject: Request for Car Loan for a New Hyundai Creta
I am writing this letter to request a car loan for a new Hyundai Creta. I am a salaried individual and fulfill all the eligibility criteria required for the loan.
I have attached the necessary documents, including my salary slip, voter id card, aadhar card, and bank statement for the last six months. I have also filled up the application form and provided all the required information.
The total sum required for the loan is 8 lakhs, and I am confident that I can repay the loan within the specified duration. I have been a loyal customer of HDFC Bank for many years and have always found your services to be reliable and efficient.
I would be grateful if you could approve my loan application at the earliest convenience.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
[Your Name]
[Your Address]