Write a letter to a friend advocating the practice of yoga for improving health

The practice of yoga has roots in ancient India and the numerous benefits of yoga are the reason for its growing popularity. If a friend of yours is interested in adopting a healthy lifestyle, the practice of yoga can just be the perfect answer. You may need to advocate the practice of yoga to develop some interest. This is a simple letter to a friend advocating the practice of yoga for improving health. The letter can be modified according to need and preference.





Address of ABC



Dear ABC,

                        Thanks a ton for your previous letter. It was nice to hear from you about your interest in improving your health. I am happy to know that you are slowly, but surely, moving away from an almost sedentary life. Modern lifestyle and hours of working in front of the computers have undoubtedly taken its toll on your health. I would suggest incorporating the practice of yoga in your life for improving your health.  

                                      I have been practicing yoga for more than a year now and I can safely vouch that I am in a much better shape, both physically and mentally than I was a year ago. Though I cannot claim to be an expert, but under the guidance of my expert friend and some online videos of Baba Ramdev, I can complete some of the basic asanas and pranayams satisfactorily well.

                                     I understand it can be quite difficult to juggle between daily household chores and office work. To add time for yoga can seem to be daunting. But believe me; the rewards are going to be far greater than the time invested. I also find it difficult to go ahead full steam with yoga due to lack of time. Hence, I have developed a basic schedule of 5 important pranayams which I practice daily without fail. These are Bhastrika (deep breathing), Kapalbharati, Anulom Viyom (Alternative breathing), Bhramari and Udgeet.                                

                                      Yoga provides and promotes a way of living that aims towards a perfect combination of healthy body and mind in a spiritual manner. I hope I was successful in instilling in you some curiosity and interest for practicing yoga. I would love to know about your take on the matter. Convey my respect to your parents.


                                                                                                Yours lovingly,


                                                                                                Your Name

                                                                                                Your Address




Write a letter to the Principal to arrange regular yoga classes in school  

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