Write a letter to the manager of HDFC bank authorizing your son for cash deposit

In case of one being out of station, a cash deposit can be made into your bank account by authorizing someone to do the job. In such a scenerio, the bank manager has to be made aware of the situation. You can write a letter stating that you authorize someone to make cash deposits into your account. Be sure to include your account number and any other relevant information, such as the specific branch location where the deposits should be made. Given below is a sample letter to the manager of HDFC bank authorizing your son for cash deposit.

The Bank Manager
Bank Name
Bank Address

Subject: Authorization for cash deposit in bank account

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to authorize my son, Rohan Yadav, to deposit cash into my savings account with your branch. The account number is 11223435XXX.

As I am currently residing abroad and unable to make the deposit myself, I have given my son the authority to perform the transaction on my behalf. I trust my son completely and have full faith in his judgment and abilities.

Please be advised that Rohan has my full authority to deposit cash into the mentioned account, and I take full responsibility for any transactions made by him. I have informed my son of the necessary procedures and documents required for the transaction, and he is fully aware of the process.

I request you to kindly extend all necessary assistance and support to my son during the transaction, and kindly inform me of the same once the deposit has been made. I would also like to request you to keep this authorization on record for any future transactions that may need to be made.

Thank you for your understanding and support. I look forward to a long-standing relationship with your Bank.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]

[Your Address]



1. ID proof copy

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