As librarian, Write a letter to the Principal regarding release of payment for order of books for library

If there is pending bills for the order of books for school library, as a librarian, it is appropriate to inform the matter to the Principal. It is important to communicate the status of the library's finances and the need for payment in a professional and respectful manner. One may provide all relevant information about the books that were ordered, including the purchase order number, the amount of the order, and the expected delivery date. In the letter, one can state the purpose of the payment request, the amount due, and the reason why payment is needed at this time. Given below is a sample letter to to the Principal regarding release of payment for order of books for library.

The Principal
School Name
School Address

Subject: Payment release for School Books


I am writing to bring to your attention the pending payment for the order of books that were purchased for the library. As per our records, the order was placed on 10th January 2023 and the invoice number is LIB/2023/001. The total amount for the order was Rs 5000, out of which Rs 4000 has been paid. However, there is a pending amount of Rs 1000 that needs to be cleared.

I request you to kindly release the pending amount so that we can clear the bills and ensure that the library continues to function smoothly. The books have already been received and are being used by the students extensively.

I would appreciate your prompt attention to this matter and look forward to your positive response. Thank you for your kind attention.

Yours sincerely,

Your Name
School Librarian
School Name



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