In case of shifting from your present location to another, you need to surrender your electric meter to the electricity board for termination of electricity connection. A letter can be communicated to the department regarding the issue. This is a simple letter to the electricity department for surrendering the meter for electricity supply. The letter can be modified according to need and reference.
The Engineer
Electricity Board
Electricity Board Address
Subject: Surrendering meter for supply of electricity
Dear Sir/Madam,
With respect to the above mentioned subject, this letter is to inform you about the surrender of the electricity supply meter. My personal details have been given below:
Consumer Number:
Meter Number:
Bank Account Number:
I have decided to shift from my current address on date1. I won't be requiring the services of your electricity department at my current location. Therefore, I request you to arrange to take out the said meter from my premises. I have enclosed the original last electricity bill for the month of November duly paid by me.
I also request you to refund me the security deposit for the electricity supply meter in the above mentioned bank account after adjusting for the amount of electricity consumed for the current month.
Thanking you,
1. Original copy last electricity bill
2. Aadhar card copy
Yours truly,
Your name
Your address
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