When you are paying for getting a job done, unnecessary delay in the service provided can be quite annoying. If the standard of service is unsatisfactory, the customer reserves the right of complaint to the shop. This is a sample letter of complaint to a garage owner about unsatisfactory service of damaged car. The letter can be modified according to need and preference.
The Garage Owner
Garage Owner Name
Garage Owner Address
Dear XYZ,
On 15th
January at ABC Road, I had met with an accident which caused major damage to my
car. I was driving to my workplace when the incident happened and I pulled over
to check for the damage. I noticed that the engine had become abnormally hot
with some smoke coming out from it.
Since your garage was near to the accident place I, with some help from a nearby pedestrian, somehow managed to push the car to your garage. You had assured me that you would take care of the necessary repair works within a week. The receipt reference number is 4536.
Unfortunately it is almost twenty days now and there is no news from your end. Today morning, when I visited your garage for update, I was informed by one of the technician that it will take another week to fix the car. I find this totally irresponsible and uncalled for.
Please get the car fixed and delivered at the earliest. Any unnecessary delay from your end will not be entertained and may have ramifications for later business.
Yours Truly,
Your Name
Your Address
Write a letter of complaint to a garment shop regarding poor quality of T Shirt