Write a letter of request to the landlord to carry out necessary repairs in your rented house


Regular maintenance of a rented house is critical for the overall look and feel. If your rented house needs some repair work, the matter needs to be brought to the landlord’s attention. This is a simple letter to the landlord to carry out necessary repairs in your rented house. The article addresses the question of properly presenting the facts to the concerned person. The sample letter may be modified according to need and situation.



Landlord Name

Landlord Address


Dear Sir,

                        I write this letter to bring to your notice that the house rented by me needs some urgent repair works. I think it is the right time now to get the house whitewashed as the rains have stopped. The roof of the drawing room is leaking causing water to stagnant in the floor whenever it rains.

                       The Plaster of the kitchen walls has come off and there has been many holes made by rats at various places. Some of the ventilators do not open properly. Moreover the Plaster has also come off at many places in the front side of the house.

                        Kindly look into the request urgently. I will be out of town for a couple of weeks due to work commitment. I expect that the repair works will be finished by then. Trusting that you will oblige me,

                                                                                                                            Yours truly

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Your Name

                                                                                                                             Your Address




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