Write a letter of complaint to the local district authority about homeless people staying in the park adjoining your locality

Homeless people occupying public places can be a big mess for the local residents and general public. The situation becomes even bad if they create unnecessary harassment and degrade the overall quality of the area. This is a sample letter of complaint to the local district authority about homeless people staying in the park adjoining your locality. The letter can be modified according to need and preference.




The Concerned Authority

Authority Address


Subject: Inconvenience from illegal homeless people residing in adjacent park



                                  I am a resident of [XYZ] and I would like to bring your kind attention to the inconvenience faced by the residents of our colony due to the illegal homeless people residing in the park adjoining our locality. The matter has been a cause of concern for us for more than three months now.           

                                  For the past four months, the park adjacent to our colony have been encroached upon by homeless people, creating a number of illegal encampments. The park was a source of recreating activities such as morning and evening walks, weekend outing etc for the residents of the locality. Now, because of these illegal encampments, it is not possible for the local residents to use the public park which is their right.

                                  Moreover, the conditions are worsening day by day in the encampments and have become a genuine safety issue. There have been a number of instances of harassment such as taunting and inappropriate gestures faced by locals while passing by the tents. The overall atmosphere of area has also seen gradual degradation with trash, rotten food and human feces becoming a common sight.

                                  Hence I request you to kindly make necessary arrangement to remove these illegal tents and encampments from the Public Park and proper relocation of these homeless people.

                                    Thanking you,           


                                                                                                Yours Truly,


                                                                                                Your Name

                                                                                                Your Address




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