When you place a order to a book shop for a certain number of books, you expect the books to be delivered in time as you have customers to tend to a reputation to maintain. Non execution of an order can lead to discomfortable position for the concerned party. A letter can be sent to the book shop owner about the issue. This is a sample letter of complaint to a book shop regarding non execution of order. The letter can be modified according to need and preference.
The Manager
Book Shop Name
Book Shop Address
reference to Order Number [Order No.] dated [Date], I would like to draw your
attention to the fact that you were supposed to supply fifty copies of the
recent edition of “Psychology Today” within a week. Unfortunately, we are yet
to receive even a single copy of the above mentioned magazine.
Hence, I again request you to make necessary arrangement to
supply the said book within a week. Otherwise I will be left with no choice but
to cancel the order. Also, please ensure that the books are
in good condition, of the latest issue and properly packed.
Waiting for a positive reply,
Yours Faithfully,
Your Name
Your Desination
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