Write a letter to Branch Manager to add your wife’s name as a second nominee for your savings account

When a savings account is opened against a person, then a nominee name is also included in the records. Sometimes it may be necessary to add a second nominee for your savings account. Nominee ensures that in the unfortunate event of demise of the account holder, the invested money is credited to the nominee. It’s a logical way of ensuring your hard earned money is not wasted. This is a simple application letter to a Branch Manager to add your wife’s name as a second nominee for your savings account. The article addresses the question of properly presenting the request to the concerned person. The letter can be modified according to need and preference.

The Branch Manager
Bank Name
Branch Name
Address of LIC

Sub: Application for addition of second nominee name for savings account

Dear Sir/Madam,

                              I maintain a savings account in your [Bank name, Branch name] bearing account number [Policy Number] since [Date]. I am very much happy and satisfied with the service and friendly attitude of the branch towards the customer.

                              I would like to mention that the name of my mother is registered as nominee for the above mentioned savings bank account. I would request you to add the name of my wife as a second nominee for the same account. I would like the bank to update their records regarding the new nominee. The details of both the nominee are given below:

First nominee Name    :
Date of Birth                          :
Relation                                   :
Address                                   :

Second nominee Name           :
Date of Birth                          :
Relation                                   :
Address                                   :                      

                                   Our marriage certificate and id proof has been attached for your kind perusal. I look forward to the completion of the procedure at the earliest. I would be very much happy to oblige any other formalities required by the bank. I can be contacted at [mobile number] or by email [email address] for any other clarification or information.

                                This is for your kind information and necessary action.

                                                                                                            Yours faithfully,

                                                                                                             Your name
                                                                                                             Your address

1.      Marriage certificate copy
2.      ID proof copy

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