Sample letter to a friend asking for return of a loan amount

The financial condition of a person may not always remain constant. There may be times when you are in desperate need of financial assistance. It is during this time that friends come to your rescue. Though it is the moral responsibility of a friend to help out a friend, sometimes circumstances change and you are forced to ask for a return of a loan. This is a simple reminder letter to a friend for return of a loan which he had borrowed during his financial need. The article addresses the question of properly presenting the letter to the concerned person. The letter may be modified according to the situation and preference.

Address of ABC
Subject: Reminder letter for return of a loan

Dear ABC,
                                            I hope you are hale and hearty. I am doing fine by the grace of god and good will of dear friends like you. I write this letter to you in response to your request letter dated [DD-MM-YY].
                                           I don’t know how to put it but I am really embarrassed to ask for the loan amount of Rs 3000 that you had borrowed. I am sure it must have slipped from your mind. I am aware of the fact that you had categorically mentioned that you won’t be able to return the amount before 6 months. But, 2 years have passed and I am at the receiving end of economic misfortune now.
                                         I am aware that your financial condition has not fully improved but I am compelled to write to you because of my problems. I will be grateful if you can quickly remit the said amount. Kindly, do let me know if you are remitting the money directly or in installments. I sincerely wish there was no need for writing a letter like this.
                                              Wishing a speedy recovery to your father and best wishes for the future

                                                                                              Yours truly

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Your Name 
                                                                                                Your Address
                                                                                                Your Contact No. 


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