Write a letter to the editor of national daily making people aware for helping victims of road accident

Accidents have become a common phenomenon in big cities.However, hardly anyone comes to the rescue of road victims because of fear of harassment by the police. The Supreme Court has issued guidelines that people who take take victims to a hospital will not be questioned or detained. There is no reason why by standers or pedestrians  should hesitate to help with the discharge of  their duty as responsible citizens. Write a letter to the editor of national daily requesting to make people aware of supreme Court guideline for helping victims of road accident.


The Editor

Newspaper Name

Newspaper Address

Subject: Support for victims of road accidents

I am writing to request you to make people aware of the Supreme Court's recent guideline for helping victims of road accidents. With accidents becoming increasingly common in big cities, it is important for everyone to know what they can do to help those who are involved.

Many victims of road accidents are left helpless and in fear on the side of the road, with no one coming to their aid. In some cases, they may even be detained by the police for questioning. However, it is the responsibility of every responsible citizen to discharge their duty by providing timely help to the victims.

The Supreme Court has outlined clear guidelines for the public, including calling emergency services, providing first aid, and ensuring that the victim is taken to the hospital as soon as possible. It is important that these guidelines are widely disseminated, so that everyone is aware of their role in helping accident victims.

I urge you to highlight this important topic, so that more people can become aware of the Supreme Court's guidelines and take the necessary steps to help those in need.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]
[Your Address]



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