Write a letter to the Principal volunteering your participation in a blood donation camp to help recent flood victims

It is the duty of every person to help out fellow countrymen in times of disaster such as floods. There can be problems related to availability of blood for the flood affected people. Students can step up and help the needy by donating blood through proper blood camps. This is a simple letter to the Principal volunteering your participation in a blood donation camp to help recent flood victims. The letter can be modified according to need and preference.


The Principal

School Name

School Address

Subject: Volunteering for participation in blood donation camp

 Write a letter of request to the Principal for permission to open a flood relief camp in college campus


My name is XYZ and I am a student of Class 9, Section B with Roll No (Number). With respect to the notice on date1, I am eager to volunteer my name for participating in the blood donation camp to be organized on date2.

The recent floods in our city have been a real cause of worry for all the flood affected people. Many of the people are struggling to arrange blood which is required to for the treatment of the near and dear ones. I would be happy and satisfied to have contributed a small bit for helping the people of my city.

I wish the blood donation camp turns out to be a real success in helping the flood affected people.

Thanking you,

                                                                                        Yours Faithfully,


                                                                                        Class 9, Section B




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