Inter School Painting Contests provide a wonderful opportunity for students to show their talents. A letter can be communicated to the Principal regarding his approval. This is a simple letter as a cultural secretary, write a letter to the principal asking his permission for organizing an inter school painting contest on World environment day. The letter can be modified according to need and preference.
The Principal
School Name
School Address
Subject: Permission for inter school painting contest
Dear Sir,
This is to bring to your kind attention that the Hindu Youth World has showed their keen interest in organizing an Inter School Painting Contest on the occasion of World Environment day. They want to organize the contest in association with the Cultural Club of our school.
The contest would be open for participation for the students of class 6 to 12. The contest would be held on 5th June from 10 am to 12 pm. The students would be required to submit an entry fee of Rs 100. It would provide a great opportunity for the students to showcase their talent and pursue their interest.
Therefore, I request your permission for organizing the painting contest on the above mentioned date. I would be happy for your valuable advice in order to make the event a great success.
Yours Truly,
Cultural Secretary
School Name
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