If you are in need of financial aid to buy your dream car or buy your own flat, you can request the human resource department of your company for a loan. A letter of request needs to be written to the HRD for this purpose. This is a simple letter of letter of request to the Company Managing Director for loan to buy a flat. The article addresses the question of properly presenting the matter to the concerned person. The sample letter may be modified according to need and situation.
The Managing Director
Company name
Company Address
Sub: Request for loan to buy a flat
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am an employee of your esteemed company and have been working as Technical Officer for the last 12 years. There is still about 17 years of service left for my retirement.
I have been living in rent house from the date of my joining and would like to buy a flat of my own. Hence, I request you to sanction me the maximum loan amount permissible to me after computing the remaining years of service before retirement, as per the rules of the company.
The loan amount can be adjusted against my provident fund and salary. I would be happy to oblige any other formalities regarding this matter.
This is for your kind information and necessary action.
Yours faithfully,
Your Name
Your address
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