wants to work to the best of their ability. Sometimes, due to personal problem
such as posting in a far flung place from home town, it is not possible to
concentrate on the job. This is a simple request letter to a superior for transfer
from current district to preferred district. The article addresses the question of properly presenting the notice to
the concerned person.
concerned authorities
of the Organization
Subject: Request for transfer from current district
to preferred district
Dear Sir,
I have been working as [Designation] in my current district for the last
5 years with impeccable performance and satisfaction report from all the
concerned superiors. But, I would like to beg for job transfer from my current
district to preferred district as my home town is situated there where my old
parents reside along with my wife and children. My regular absence on important
social gathering days from family, school meetings and of the like is taking a great
toll on my personal life. Moreover, being the elder son, it is my moral
responsibility to look after the family matters in time of need when my family
looks up to me.
I would love to perform to the best of my abilities in order to carry
out my duties as I am being paid for it. But, my present personal condition is providing hindrance to the
objective and affecting my performance. As such, I would request you to kindly
consider my case and respond positively to my application as early as possible
when the vacancy arises.
Hoping for a favorable consideration.
Thanking you in anticipation.
Yours faithfully
Your name
Full contact address