Write a letter to your friend about your favourite subject in school

While in school, students are exposed to a variety of subjects and tend to take a liking to a particular subject more. Different students may have different preferences in their favourite subject based on their interests and strengths. It's essential to explore different subjects and discover what resonates with you personally. Given below is a sample letter to to your friend about your favourite subject in school. 

Address of ABC
Dear ABC,

I hope this letter finds you in good health. I wanted to share with you my excitement about my favourite subject in school. It's none other than English literature! This subject has captivated my interest due to its ability to transport me to different worlds through the power of words.

In English literature, we explore the works of renowned authors, dissect their writing styles, and delve into the depths of their storytelling. From Shakespearean plays to contemporary novels, every piece we study has its unique charm. Moreover, this subject nurtures my imagination, enhances my language skills, and encourages critical thinking.

The joy of deciphering hidden meanings, analyzing characters, and unraveling intricate plots brings me immense satisfaction. The classroom discussions and literature circles we engage in make learning an interactive and enriching experience.

I'd love to discuss our favourite books and authors in detail when we meet next. Until then, take care and keep pursuing your passions!

Warm regards,
[Your Name]
[Your Address]



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