The railway platform is used by passengers extensively in their daily travelling. In a country like ours, the increase in platform ticket price can be a sensitive issue. In case of excess price rise which causes serious public displeasure, a letter can be communicated to the Railway authority.This is a simple letter to Railway authority regarding high platform ticket price. The letter can be modified according to need and preference.
The General Manager
Railway Department Address
Subject: Regarding high platform ticket price
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am (your name) from (your address) and a daily commuter using the ABC railway route. I would like to bring to your kind attention regarding the unusual excess hike in platform ticket price.
Yesterday when I entered
the XYZ platform to bid a friend goodbye, I was shocked to find the usual Rs 10
platform ticket price had been raised to Rs 50. The 400% price hike is totally
unwarranted and uncalled for a normal lower middle class person like us. In
fact, the fare for the short distance train had been already increased and now,
this is an additional huge burden.
I request you to kindly consider lowering the platform price hike significantly especially during this pandemic time when the job scenario is not that bright. I would be highly grateful if you look into the matter urgently to lower the high platform ticket price.
Hoping for a
positive response from your end
Yours Sincerely,
Your name
Your address
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