Write a letter to a guest speaker for invitation to an event

When an event is conducted, one of the top priority areas is to invite a guest speaker to the event. A guest speaker must be a person with significant body of work in a particular field relevant to the event. The selection of such a guest speaker ensures that the attendees are exposed to his/her valuable insight in the concerned topic. The speaker must be booked well in advance because of their busy schedule and they must be made aware about the requirements of the event and their contribution towards it. Moreover, necessary arrangements must also be made for their travel expenses and accommodation. In order to invite a guest speaker, firstly a letter of communication about the issue must be sent to the concerned person .This is a simple letter to a guest speaker for invitation to an event. The article addresses the question of properly presenting the request to the concerned person. The letter may be modified according to the situation and preference.

Invitee Name
Invitee Designation
Invitee Address

Subject: Invitation as a guest speaker
Dear Sir/Madam,

                             I am happy to inform you that our organization, [Organization Name], is going to conduct a conference on [Conference Topic] for a period of two days from DD-MM-YY to DD-MM-YY at [Event Address]. Being a resource person with expertise in the particular field of conference topic, it is our honor to invite you as a guest speaker for the event. MD of the organization will inaugurate the conference while the closing ceremony will be addressed by the Deputy Commissioner.  

                              The agenda of the conference as well as your talk time has been enclosed herewith. Moreover, necessary arrangement for your accommodation as well as travel will also be bearded by us as soon as we get your positive reply of participation as guest speaker. Your participation will add an extra dimension to our conference in view of your experience in the field of work. If you have any inquiry or concern, feel free to contact us at [Contact Number] or [Email Address].

                                Hoping for a positive response,

                                                                                              Yours faithfully

                                                                                               Your Name
                                                                                               Your Designation 
                                                                                               Your Contact Number


1. Agenda of the Conference

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